10 Great Horror Movies to Stream on Netflix Right Now!

Top Horror Netflix 2024

Who says you need to wait until Halloween to get your fright fix? Netflix is currently boasting a roster of heart-pounding horror flicks that can turn any movie night into a gripping, edge-of-your-seat soirée. With films from different eras and sub-genres you can experience classic scares, psychological twists, or gory showdowns… There really is something waiting in the streaming giant’s dark corridors for every type of horror fan.

From the alluring, but shark-infested waters of Amity Island to the spectral disturbances of the Lambert family, the diversity in this curated list guarantees a palette wide enough to satiate your eerie cravings. So, stop arguing about what to watch, check your skepticism at the door, and prepare to dive deep into this abyss of great horror. Here are 10 awesome horror movies to stream on Netflix right now that promise to make their hairs stand up on the back of your neck and maybe even make you think twice about checking under the bed tonight.

10 Great Horror Movies on Netflix

1. Black Phone (2021)

Ethan Hawke terrifies in this chilling adaptation of a Joe Hill short story. Set in the ’70s, Hawke plays a masked kidnapper known as “The Grabber,” and the only way his latest captive can escape is through a disconnected phone that transmits voices from the past victims. It’s a tense, supernatural thriller that brilliantly mixes real-world horrors with eerie, otherworldly elements.

Black Phone

2. Talk to Me (2022)

A recent addition that’s taken the horror community by storm, Talk to Me invites viewers into a ritual of holding séances through an ancient relic, leading to a series of horrifying possessions. This Australian horror blends teen spirit with a genuinely frightening atmosphere, making it a fresh face in the demonic possession genre.

3. Jaws (1975)

The quintessential summer horror film, Spielberg’s Jaws remains a masterclass in suspense and tension. The story of a killer shark terrorizing a beach community might make you think twice about your next seaside vacation. Its blend of thrills and character-driven story are why this classic continues to be a definitive watch in the genre.

Jaws 1975

4. Zombieland (2009)

For those who like a side of humor with their horror, Zombieland offers a comedic take on the apocalypse. Follow a quirky group of survivors as they navigate a zombie-infested America while abiding by an amusing set of survival rules. It’s as much a road trip movie as it is a survival horror, proving that even the end of the world can be fun.

5. Scream (1996)

Wes Craven’s meta-horror masterpiece revitalized the slasher genre with its sharp, self-referential script and memorable killer. Scream not only offers suspenseful scares but also smartly comments on horror tropes, making it a must-watch for genre enthusiasts and newcomers.

Scream 1996

6. Evil Dead Rise (2023)

Moving away from the cabin in the woods, this installment takes the demonic mayhem to urban settings, refreshing the franchise while maintaining the raw, visceral horror that made it a cult favorite. Expect plenty of gore, relentless scares, and a new twist on the Necronomicon-induced chaos.

7. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)

Based on the iconic children’s book series, this film adaptation brings some of the scariest tales to life. It’s a perfect blend of childhood nostalgia and genuine frights, making it an excellent pick for horror fans who enjoy stories with a fantastical edge.

Scary Stories to tell in the dark

8. Insidious (2010)

This film dives deep into the realm of astral projection and supernatural realms. With its chilling narrative and sudden scares, Insidious crafts a new type of eerie experience, focusing on a family’s struggle against spirits from another dimension.

9. Halloween (1978)

John Carpenter’s original slasher film introduces the iconic Michael Myers, bringing to life the fear that lurks behind suburban doors. Its simplicity in setting and plot amplifies the terror, making Halloween a timeless piece in horror cinema.

Halloween 1978

10. Life (2017)

A sci-fi horror that explores the perils of discovering life beyond Earth. What starts as an exciting study of a Martian life form quickly turns into a survival battle against an unpredictable and terrifying creature. Life not only delivers jump scares but also ponders the potential horrors of space exploration.

There you have it, a mixture of timeless classics and modern twists that are bound to keep you entertained and maybe a little paranoid about what lurks in the dark. Netflix’s current selection shows that horror is a genre that continues to evolve and captivate audiences, proving that a good scare is timeless. So, why wait? Dive in, enjoy the screams, and remember — it’s only a movie…

See the list in our video post on TikTok


Discover the best horror movies on Netflix US right now! From spine-chilling thrillers to eerie supernatural encounters, we’ve curated the top picks for your next movie night. Dive into the darkness and find your new favorite scare! Featuring classics and new releases that are guaranteed to haunt your dreams. Don’t watch these alone! Stream these terrifying films and let us know which one kept you up at night! #HorrorMovies #Netflix #ScaryMovies #MovieNight #FilmTok #HorrorCommunity #NetflixAndChill #MustWatch #StreamNow

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Jasmine Clarke

Jasmine graduated with a degree in Film Studies from Emory University, where she honed her skills in critical analysis and narrative storytelling. Her articles are known for their insightful critiques, blending academic rigor with an accessible, engaging style. Her column, "Horror Beyond Boundaries," is a fan favorite, showcasing international horror films and indie gems.

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