Founders Day (2023) Review

Founders Day movie 2023

Based in a small rural town in America days before the election of mayor that has led to a heated electoral environment, the killing of a local girl from a masked antagonist wielding a gavel sparks a deadly game of whodunnit. As accusations begins to spread around its townsfolk, the masked killer begins to pick them off one-by-one as the town is consumed by fear itself.

The resurgence of the slasher sub-genre is undeniably experiencing a golden era, especially for those who grew up in the ’80s or late ’90s. The return of iconic figures like Michael Myers, Ghostface, Chucky, Candyman, and Pinhead, alongside emerging favorites such as Art the Clown and John Carver, paints a vivid picture of a genre that is both bloodier and more nostalgically invigorating than ever.

Founders Day movie 2023

However, in the midst of every zenith, there’s bound to be a trough, and the horror genre, known for its spectrum of excellence and mediocrity, is no exception. While horror enthusiasts are notorious for reveling in the delightfully dreadful, Founders Day, billing itself as a satirical political slasher, struggles to find its voice amid the diverse landscape of the genre. Despite aiming for impactful moments, it frequently stumbles, landing short at nearly every juncture.

Intriguingly, Founders Day attempts to join the ranks of holiday-themed slashers, but its execution feels more akin to the forgettable slashers relegated to late ’90s bargain bins that fail to carve a lasting impression or earn itself a coveted Arrow Video Blu-ray release.

From the outset, the film grapples with a script and on-screen presence seemingly lost in translation. While the script leans heavily into satire, presenting itself as a whimsical political slasher with more depth than meets the eye, the directorial approach takes a different route. Instead of embracing the camp elements that could have elevated the film, it leans towards a seriousness that leaves the intended humor falling flat. The lack of commitment to a consistent tone renders the overall experience tonally incoherent and frustratingly bland.

Founders Day movie 2023

Despite its infuriating shortcomings, Founders Day teases intriguing concepts, particularly within its political framework. Unfortunately, the horror elements fail to leave a lasting impression. As it hurtles towards its final act, the predictability intensifies, and the narrative becomes convoluted, leaving audiences more perplexed than enthralled. A missed opportunity for a film that had the potential to transcend its clichéd portrayal. Think a little less Urban Legend and a little more Urban Legends: The Final Cut.

Movie Rating:★½☆☆☆ 

Founders Day trailer

YouTube video

Jack Carlin

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